Ball Out 3x3 are proud to announce our participation on the 3x3 World Tour for a fourth year. The champions from this summer's 3x3 national championship will not have too long to rest and relax. After winning the Elite Men's championship on the 17th August, the winners will be awarded and all-expenses trip to the 3x3 World Tour on the 26th-29th August with a $30,000 prize for first place.

About the Tour
The FIBA 3x3 World Tour is the pinnacle event of an 'open' network of FIBA-endorsed 3x3 tournaments.
Season 2019 will consist of 11 Masters tournaments, before culminating with the FIBA 3x3 World Tour Final on 2-3 Nov, 2019 in Utsunomiya, Japan.
Ball Out 3x3 National Tour Dates
13/14 July – London Register Here Adult Categories are Full.
3 August – Manchester Register Here
4 August – Birmingham Register Here
Ball Out 3x3 is limited to UK Residents
